Episcopal Seminary of Agrigento

Episcopal Seminary of Agrigento


 Piazza Don Giovanni Minzoni, 19 - Agrigento (AG)

The Episcopal Seminary of Agrigento is actually the Collegio dei Santi Agostino e Tommaso , a large building overlooking the western side of Piazza Don Minzoni.
The building incorporates the remains of the fortified palace of the Chiaramonte , donated in 1607 to the bishop Vincenzo Bonincontro by the baron Biagio Isfar. Significant parts of the fortified palace, expression of the prestige of the most powerful Sicilian feudal family of the fourteenth century, are still visible: the battlements of the tower which is incorporated between the walls of the southern facade; three rooms on the ground floor, among which the so-called Sala Chiaramontana stands out. The room features cross-ribbed mortars with white limestone, the coat of arms framed by a trefoil arch, the capitals, and traces of floral fresco decorations.

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