Maria Villa in Casteltermini

Villa Maria, located in the Serre-Borgesi district in Casteltermini, was built at the end of the 18th century as a hunting lodge of the Counts of Lemos at the behest of Don Gaetanino Lo Bue, a man of great culture, a lover of plants and travel. Don Gaetanino, on the death of his sister, dedicated the name of the villa and a chapel to her.
The villa, privately owned, consists of the residence, the chapel, the park and the garden.
The palace was built on project by the architect Ernesto Armò, a pupil of Ernesto Basile, with the participation of the count himself who, in 1904, commissioned the construction of the palace.
The façade also includes a neo-Gothic turret, and a mixture of various different styles among the which dominates the liberty. The chapel was built in the Gothic style, by the architects Rossetti of Rome and Ugo of Palermo, in memory of Maria Rosaria, sister of the knight Lo Bue. The building faces and surpasses the main buildings in its grandeur.
In the park, where statues and other ornamental elements are found, there are also very rare plants of considerable importance.
The villa is privately owned and can be visited during FAI days or special events.