Church of Purgatory in Cianciana

Church of Purgatory in Cianciana

Alessandro Croce - CC3.0

The Church of Purgatory in Cianciana, dedicated to the Holy Souls of Purgatory, is a small building of worship, in neoclassical style, located in the center of the town, next to the Clock Tower.
It was built in 1716 by order of the terrazzini, i.e. the workers of the land.
The façade has two lateral pilaster strips surmounted by a triangular pediment. In the centre, the valuable sandstone portal is surmounted by a fake painted rose window.
The interior, with a single nave, has niches on the side walls in which the statues of saints are placed.
Among the works kept in the church of particular value are the statue of the Risen Christ from the Bagnasco school.

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