Church of Madonna del Carmine in Favara

Church of Madonna del Carmine in Favara

Toni Pecoraro - CC1.0


 Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 29 - Favara (AG)

The Church of Maria Santissima del Carmine di Favara , known as the Chiesa del Carmine, is a religious building in Favara.
The church was administered by the Franciscans present in Favara as early as 1530, but the considerable constraints some friars did not allow to self-manage the convent and so in 1574 they were forced to sell it to the Carmelites, under the title of the Annunziata. Since then the church was dedicated to Maria Santissima del Carmelo and the altars of the Annunziata and of San Antonio da Padova, the main protector and patron saint of the town, were erected. The church was also known as San Antonino di lu Carminu and San Antonio de Padua until the late 1500s. Attached to the church was a convent which was suppressed in 1866 by the Italian state during the period of the confiscation of ecclesiastical property.
The limestone facade dates back to 1810, while the bell tower is of the eighteenth century. Inside there is an altar dedicated to Sant'Antonio da Padova, current patron of the city of Favara.

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