Church of San Nicola di Bari in Favara

Church of San Nicola di Bari in Favara

Toni Pecoraro - CC1.0


 Via San Nicolò - Favara (AG)

The Church of San Nicola da Bari in Favara, also known as the church of San Nicolò, according to tradition is dedicated to San Nicola da Tolentino.
It is a church already present in the 14th century and it is perhaps even older than the church of Itria.
The church has a Baroque facade with a pointed portal; the interior has a single nave.
In 1584 the building was annexed to a hospital for the sick, active until the eighteenth century.
In ancient times it was thought that a hidden treasure was found near the church, for this reason, in the past, someone has carried out excavations without achieving any results.

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