Torre di Gaffe Beach in Licata

Torre di Gaffe Beach in Licata


 Torre di Gaffe - Licata (AG)

The Torre di Gaffe beach extends in the territory of Licata and marks the border point with Palma di Montechiaro. The beach of light and fine sand is bathed by a crystalline and transparent sea. In this part of the coastal area, sandy beaches alternate with cliffs and inlets, in a context of unspoiled nature.
To make the landscape even more suggestive is the presence of Torre di Gaffe, a tower of Aragonese sighting. The tower was built in the first half of the 16th century to guard the Ciotta beach.
Torre di Gaffe was chosen as a docking point for the allied forces during the landing in Sicily, which took place on the night of 10 July 1943.

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