Church of the Rosary in Lucca Sicula

The Church of Maria Santissima del Rosario is the second building in the village and houses the statues of San Michele Arcangelo, protector of the humble, and of San Giovanni, carried in procession during Holy Week.
It was built in 1860 in the lowest part of the village, an area intended for the poorest and most humble populations.
The gabled façade is delimited by two pilasters which support the entablature with a slightly overhanging gable. The church is flanked by an imposing bell tower ending with a spire finely decorated with a polychrome mosaic. The churchyard is covered with pebbles that draw the monogram of the Madonna.
The interior, divided into three naves, has three altars dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, Saint Michael and Saint John.
Inside the church there is kept a copy of the canvas dating back to 1650 depicting the Madonna and Child, today kept in Mother Church

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