Luigi Pirandello Birthplace

Tommaso - CC2.0
GPS: 37.291473616409,13.551912577714
Info Indirizzo: Viale dei MitiAgrigento(AG) Tel: +39 0922 183 9996
The Birthplace of Luigi Pirandello is a late eighteenth-century rural building, located in the Caos countryside district, in the Agrigento area. It stands on a plateau overlooking the sea, dotted with olive and oak trees.
The writer's maternal ancestors came into possession of the Villa in 1817. The Pirandello family took refuge in it to escape the severe cholera epidemic that raged throughout Sicily in 1867. Damaged in 1944 by the explosion of the nearby ammunition depot of American troops, it was declared a national monument in 1949.
The rooms overlooking the countryside house a vast collection of photographs, reviews and honors, first editions of books with autographed dedications, paintings copyright dedicated to Luigi Pirandello, posters of his most famous works represented in theaters all over the world.
Periodically, the House also hosts temporary exhibitions dedicated to the Maestro.