Arab arch in Siculiana

The Arab Arch in Siculiana, located in via Finestre, is a monument that bears witness to the ancient origins of this village.
According to some scholars, the ancient city of Siculiana was founded in the 10th century by the Arabs who in this where they built the farmhouse of Suq-al-Jani, or John's market. It is said that this farmhouse was dominated by a castle, known for being one of the eleven castles that resisted the assaults of Roger the Norman. The castle was completely destroyed after the surrender of Agrigento in 1087.
Traces of Arab domination can still be found in some dialectal terms of Arabic origin, and in the urban structure of the ancient neighborhood characterized by narrow and winding alleys, courtyards, underpasses and arches, like the one located in via Finestre.

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