Exhibition of Artistic Nativity Scenes in Bronte

Exhibition of Artistic Nativity Scenes in Bronte


 Via Cardinale De Luca,49 - Bronte (CT)
+39 3477750062 - +39 3486050496

The permanent exhibition of artistic cribs in Bronte is made up of more than 350 artistic cribs from all over the world.
Among all the cribs on display of particular value are: the Naples crib, the chocolate crib, the cotton crib , the moving nativity scene, the papier-mâché nativity scene from Puglia, the coral and mother of pearl nativity scene, the dioramas and the nativity scenes of the greatest Sicilian artists.
The museum exhibition is open from the last Sunday of November to 06 January all days. In the morning it is reserved for school groups and organized groups, in the afternoon it is open to all.
The museum exhibition can also be visited every day of the year by booking.

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