Church of Maria SS. of Graces in Presa - Piedimonte Etneo

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The Church of Maria SS. delle Grazie in Piedimonte Etneo is the main religious building in the hamlet of Presa.
It was built in 1846 and enlarged in 1873, the year in which the two lateral wings were added.
The white stone façade, in neoclassical style , is divided into three orders. The main portal and the two smaller side ones open on the first level. The main portal, surmounted by a tympanum and an oval window, is framed by a pair of pilasters which support a large slightly overhanging round arch. The two side portals are surmounted by small circular windows. The central bell tower with two orders gives great impetus to the entire façade.
The interior is divided into three naves.
Among the works kept inside the church of particular value is the nineteenth-century simulacrum of the Patron Saint Holy Mary. of Thanks.