Church of the Sacred Heart in Santa Venerina

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
The Church of the Sacred Heart in Santa Venerina is an important building of worship in the village.
It was built starting in 1875 and completed in 1904, under the special blessing of Pope Pius IX, thanks to the free work of many faithful and without any public contribution. The 2002 earthquake caused serious damage to the building.
The façade is divided into three orders and marked by two pairs of columns. Three portals open on the first order, the central one, which is larger, is flanked by two Ionic columns which support a broken arched tympanum with a coat of arms in bas-relief in the centre. On the second level there is a rectangular window surmounted by a round arch which houses the clock. On the sides two pairs of columns; two lateral volutes close the façade. On the third level stands the bell tower surmounted by a marble statue. There is a large dome designed by the architect Giovanni Privitera.
The interior, with three naves, is richly decorated with frescoes by Primo Panciroli.