Old Church in Santa Venerina

The Old Church, dedicated to Maria SS. Immacolata, in Santa Venerina is the ancient parish church of the hamlet of Linera.
The church was born in 1812 as a private chapel of the Roncesvalle family, owners of a vast estate. In 1815 the King of the Two Sicilies recognized it as a public church. In 1818 it was elected sacramental and parish church. It was composed of three naves and several side altars but the earthquake of 18 June 1879 destroyed it almost completely. It was then decided to build a new church in a central position in relation to the town. The church destroyed by the earthquake was nevertheless rebuilt but, since it was intended as a simple oratory and no longer a parish church, it was rebuilt without the side naves. The disastrous earthquake of 1914 damaged the building again, this was rebuilt in the same proportions as the previous one but with a more sober style and without the architectural details that embellished the facade and interior of the church.

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