Church of San Bendetto in Trecastagni

The Church of San Bendetto in Trecastagni is a small building of worship located in the Gaglianesi district. It has no ordinary officiation and is entrusted to the care of private individuals who maintain the cult there.
The exact date of construction is not known but the first documents in which the church is mentioned date back to 1746, when the Bishop of Catania granted the license to have mass celebrated.
The façade, closed by a triangular tympanum, is flanked by a modest bell tower. The belfry contains two bells, the oldest dating back to 1860. The entrance door, with a lava stone architrave, is surmounted by a circular window also in Etna stone.
The interior, with a single nave with a barrel vault, it closes with a hemispherical apse covered with a basin. On the altar stands a fresco depicting Saint Benedict.

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