Church of Misericordia in Valeverde

The Church of the Misericordia in Valeverde is one of the oldest sacred buildings in the village and stands at the meeting point between its two oldest streets.
The date of construction of the church is not known but the first documents in which it is mentioned dating back to 1507. The members of the Misericordia confraternity have always cared for it and promoted the cult. It was destroyed by the 1693 earthquake in Val Di Noto and rebuilt at the behest of the members of the Brotherhood.
The façade is marked by the use of lava stone in the three pilasters, in the portal, in the window and in the two oculi on the sides of it.
The interior, with a single nave, is enriched with eighteenth-century stuccoes and some paintings.
Of particular value are: the statue of the Virgin of Mercy placed on the main altar; a wooden Crucifix superimposed on a fresco depicting the Madonna, Saint John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene; the first hand-crafted banner of the Archconfraternity.
During recent works it emerged that a valuable crypt is hidden beneath part of the floor.

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