MUSeBArch in Geraci Siculo

The Madonie Museum of Geraci Siculo, known as MUSeBArch, is a predominantly ethno-anthropological museum. The museum collects and exhibits testimonies and finds of material culture that refer to the agro-pastoral and artisan civilization, through the reconstruction of the paths of the various work cycles and of the experience of the Madonie people.
Of particular interest are: The house of lignamaru; The weaving house and the Madonite bride's trousseau; The agro-pastoral house of bread; The Sicilian Popular Arts Gallery; The Madonie shepherd's house.
The minor sections of the Madonie Museum preserve two paintings from the former Church of the Civic Hospital, interesting lithic finds and ancient building artifacts, coming from ruined churches and civil dwellings; and finally in the Gallery of Sicilian Popular Arts.