Mother Church in Isnello

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The Mother Church of San Nicolò ad Isnello, dedicated to the Patron Saint Saint Nicholas of Bari, bishop of Mira, is the main building of worship in the village.
Built in the 15th century, it stands in the oldest area of the town, Torrevecchia.
The church has a fifteenth-century layout and follows the canons of medieval architecture, but its current appearance is due to the renovations carried out between the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth century.
The interior, divided into three naves, houses works of notable artistic and historical value: the valuable stuccos of the apse by Giuseppe Li Volsi da Nicosia from 1607; the mechanical organ from 1625, the work of Giuseppe Coccia; the sixteenth-century marble tabernacle; the wooden choir from 1601, the work of Giuseppe Di Maggio and Giacomo Mangio; the wooden statue of the Patron Saint Nicolò, a work from 1689 attributed to Giovanni Pietro Ragona; the wooden crucifix, a work by Giuseppe Li Volsi from 1619.