Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Isnello

Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Isnello is an ancient religious building which houses works of considerable value.
Built between 1300 and 1400, it stands in the oldest part of the town, Terravecchia.
Of particular value is the coffered wooden ceiling finely painted in the 17th century. The ceiling is made up of eight trusses, the slopes are divided into panels, each divided into nine coffers.
The interior is decorated with valuable 17th century stucco work by the Abbate brothers. In the central nave, among phytomorphic decorations, the motto of Saint Michael is painted Quis ut Deus, or Who is like God.
Among the works kept in the church, by of particular value are: the organ, the pulpit and the wooden tabernacle, works by the Politico sculptor Pietro Bencivinni commissioned by the priest Giuseppe Piraino; the sixteenth-century statue of San Michele; the canvas of the Holy Ten Thousand Martyrs, a work by Martino Russitto from Palermo in 1616; the very valuable wooden crucifix from 1627; the bust reliquaries of Saint Lucia and Saint Agatha.

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