Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Isnello

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Isnello

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The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Isnello stands in the upper part of the village and dominates the entire town.
It was built towards the end of the fourteenth century.
The main portal, with a pointed arch, opens along the longest elevation of the building and is connected to the street level via a scissor staircase. Of particular artistic value is the bell tower covered with colored majolica.
Inside the church there are works of particular artistic value: valuable seventeenth-century paintings; a double-fronted hanging cross dating back to the 15th century hanging from the ceiling depicting the Crucifixion and Resurrection; the wooden crucifix from 1635; a marble statue of the Virgin of the Sicilian school dating back to 1547; the organ with carved wooden case and sculptures from 1754.

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