Seri Gate in Petralia Soprana

Porta Seri is what remains of the ancient fortifications of the village of Petralia Soprana. At the time of Roger I, the inhabited area was delimited by fortifications, probably commissioned by Roger I himself, in which six doors were opened, corresponding to the different access roads to the city. Porta Seri is the only one that has survived up to the present day, it is likely that the rest of the walls have been incorporated into more recent buildings. Porta Seri has a pointed arch that opens onto the trazzera that descended towards Petralia Sottana. The other gates of the city were: Porta del Castello which opened towards the north, at the end of the current Via Generale Medici; Porta dei Gessaiuòli at the end of the street of the same name; Porticella, the gateway to the lower part of Petralia, which was located at the junction of the current viale Sgadari and corso Umberto; Porta San Teodoro, adjacent to the church of the same name; and finally Porta dell’Urgia or dell'Urgi, which from Piazza Loreto allowed you to descend towards the Madonnuzza district.