Murals of the Moon in Petralia Spttana

The Mural of the Moon in Petralia Spttana is a mural created on a staircase in one of the splendid views of the historic center of Petralia Sottana. The mural, which represents a nocturnal landscape dominated by a large and splendid moon, was created in 2019 by the Pittamuri collective. It contains the following phrase: "The moon is not that far away, go up...hug it, take it in your hands, you will be the man of tomorrow."

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Petralia Sottana Typical Products


Typical products, traditional Dishes, typical food and desserts, Wine, Beer and Drinks, Handicrafts,...

Fun facts about Petralia Sottana

Interesting and fun facts about Petralia Sottana

Movie location and set, Sicilian myths, Legends, habits and Traditions, famous places, folk tales,interesting facts,...
