Church of the Holy Cross in Valledolmo

The Church of the Holy Cross in Valledolmo, also known as the Church of Calvario, is a small building of worship in the village.
It was built between 1850 and 1900.
The simple gabled façade, in stone alive, has a single portal and is surmounted by a bell tower.
The interior, with a circular plan, preserves on the main altar the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows with the dead Christ on her knees. In the semi-circular atrium there are the 14 Stations of the Cross.
The church is opened only twice a year, on Good Friday, on the occasion of the procession of the Dead Christ, and on May 3rd, in occasion of the Feast of the Holy Cross during which citizens offer bread in the shape of feet, arms and hands as a votive offering.

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