Places of L'arte di arrangiarsi


Leandro Neumann Ciuffo - CC2.0

Catania is the set of "The Art of Arranging", a 1954 film by Luigi Zampa with Alberto Sordi in the title role.
The film tells the story of di Rosario Scimoni, nephew of the mayor of Catania and a great opportunist to the point of always being ready to get on the winner's wagon, changing political faith. During the film he passes from fascism to socialism, from communism to the Christian Democrats ... Following various events, he will be forced to serve a sentence of 5 years in prison. As soon as he is free he will try to found his own party with poor results in the elections and will end up selling razor blades.
In the film you can easily recognize different views of Catania: Piazza Duomo, Piazza Università, the Church of San Nicolà l'Arena, Porta Garibaldi, via Crociferi, the Church of San Francesco d'Assisi all'Immacolata and Villa cerami.

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