Curiosities about the Chiaramonte Castle in Siculiana


sicilia-nostra - CC3.0

Chiaramonte Castle is today a sought-after wedding location. From historical documents it appears that the first wedding in this location took place in 1311.
According to what was reported by G. Campo in an old journalistic article, the second marriage between Costanza, the only daughter of Federico Chiaramonte baron of Siculiana, and the Genoese noble Branca or Brancaleone Doria was celebrated in the Chiaramonte castle. It is believed that the husband, as claimed by G. Campo himself, can be identified with the Doria described in Dante's Inferno, governor of Sardinia.
There are many weddings and noble agreements celebrated in the castle over the centuries also because an ancient popular belief has it that the pacts concluded on the Rock are blessed by Providence.

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