Origin of the feast for the SS. Crucifix in Trabia


According to popular tradition, the origin of the cult and celebration dedicated to the SS Crucifix in Trabia is linked to a miraculous event.
It is said that, in the 19th century, the fisherman Carlo Bondì di Tommaso, while collecting pebbles for the paving of the Calvary steps, found an old bronze cross in one of the caves located beneath the orange garden of the Lanza Castle. The fisherman handed over the cross to Prince Giuseppe Lanza II Branciforti who organized a solemn procession. It is said that during the procession it began to rain heavily, putting an end to a long period of drought and famine. For this reason the Bronze Cross became a symbol of celebration of the SS. Crucifix patron saint of the city.
This miraculous event comes to life every year in the historical re-enactment organized during the celebrations in honor of the SS. Crucifix.

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