Church of San Pietro in Agira

Church of San Pietro in Agira

Davide Mauro - CC4.0


 Largo Plebiscito, 3 - Agira (EN)

The Church of San Pietro ad Agira stands in the place where the great Greek theater is once believed to have existed.
It was built in 1584, was damaged by war and rebuilt in the 20th century.
The facade has an elegant portal , one of the few remaining elements of the ancient construction.
The interior, a single nave, houses works of particular value: a 15th-century polyptych whose central panel depicts the Virgin and Child, and the side panels St. Peter and St. Paul. Above, a second superimposed triptych depicts the Madonna and Child with the Annunciation and the Nativity on either side; The wooden statue of St. Peter is a work of the seventeenth century; the painting of the Madonna della Vera Luce by an unknown Sicilian from the 17th century.

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