Fountain of Hercules in Agira

Fountain of Hercules in Agira


 Piazza F. Fedele - Agira (EN)

The fountain of Hercules in Agira testifies to the close bond of the city with the mythical hero who stopped in this city in 1290 BC. together with Jolao, his nephew and companion in adventure.
The fountain erected in 1934, located in the small square at the foot of Via Roma, consisted of three floors and surmounted by a large statue of the mythical hero of strength with a club. The twelve-sided regular polygon-shaped base featured as many panels with the famous twelve labors in bas-relief. In the 1960s the original fountain was removed to make way for the Palazzo Poste and other offices, poorly preserved and damaged. Since 2003 another fountain has been placed in the same place, in a modern style, which recalls the lines of the original fountain.

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