Photography and Whistle Museum in Caltagirone

Carlo Pelagalli - CC3.0
GPS: 37.23109397508,14.520277799077
Viale Principessa Maria Josè - Caltagirone (CT) FacebookThe Museum of Photography and Terracotta Whistle Exhibition in Caltagirone is located in the premises of the former Carabinieri barracks in the city.
The first section dedicated to the Caltagirone terracotta whistle illustrates a tradition with very ancient origins, a representation of popular ceramic art. The various types of whistles are shown: the one intended for children, especially during the Easter holidays, where figures of saints and animals were represented, symbols linked to religious tradition; the whistles with figures of saints; and the whistles with caricatured figures, such as the lady of the beautiful world, or the massarotto, that is the one who supervised the work of the workers and acted as an intermediary with the master, usually a nobleman.
The second section houses prints made with different photographic techniques : daguerreotypes, calotypes, ambrotypes, salty papers, albumins also colored, cyanotypes, megalethoscopes, collodion prints, stereoscopies and silver bromide prints. There are works by: Marville, Righi, Philipot, Sommer, Nadar, Brogi, Alinari, Mac Pherson, D'Alessandri.