Church of Carmine in Licodia Eubea

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The Church of the Carmine and the adjacent Convent of the Carmine are located in Piazza del Carmine.
The convent, built in 1563, by the will of the Marquise Antonia del Balzo, wife of Ambrogio Santapau, was annexed to the church of San Pietro il old, in the Nostradonna district. Only later did the Marquise herself have the current convent built in the then Carcarelle district. It became the residence of the Carmelite Fathers from 1579 to 1866, the year in which the religious corporations were suppressed and the premises passed to the Municipality.
In 1930 the bell tower was rebuilt in its original form and the building was completely transformed, with the construction of the second floor, thus giving a seat to the schools.
The church, with a single nave, has a very simple facade.
The interior of the building is richer, inside which two magnificent funeral monuments are preserved in marble, with the heraldic coat of arms of the Interlandi family of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Among the works kept inside, of particular value are: a canvas depicting the "Deposition", a seventeenth-century work of an unknown artist; a wooden crucifix, placed on an ancient reliquary; the large wooden pulpit with seven panels depicting Popes, Saints and Martyrs of the Carmelite order.