Rural Civilization Museum in Milena

The House Museum of Rural Civilization in Milena is located in the characteristic Robba Ranni, in the Masaniello Village, a precious example of an ancient housing unit.
The museum houses evidence of the ancient local peasant world: tools for working the land , wool and linen, looms, sieves and housewives' tools.
The museum space is divided into two floors: on the ground floor, composed of three rooms with barrel vaulted roofs originally used as stables, called dammusi, are tools for working the fields such as plows with wooden or iron ploughshares, yokes for oxen and mules, packsaddles, baskets and bridles for the pack, hoes, scythes, tridents, pitchforks, and carpenters' and shoemakers' tools are kept safe; on the first floor there are three other rooms where objects linked to the daily activities of housewives, tools linked to the linen processing cycle and objects of daily use are exhibited.

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