Church of the Theatines in Piazza Armerina

Davide Mauro - CC4.0
The church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Armerina, better known as the Church of the Teatini, is a fine example of a late medieval cult building.
The original building dates back to the 12th century and was known as the Church of Santa Maria del gorgo Nero for the presence of a healing spring that flowed near the church. Some late medieval remains of the ancient structure are still visible today in the right external wall with an ogival portal and slit windows.
It has a baroque-style concave facade , dating back to a makeover carried out in the early 1600s, surmounted by a squat square bell tower. On the sides of the portal two local sandstone statues of Sant'Andrea Avellino and San Gaetano Thiene have been placed, coming from the nearby and disappeared Porta San Giovanni.