Cloister of the Augustinians in Regalbuto in Regalbuto

The Convent of Sant'Agostino is located at the foot of the hill that forms the district of Santa Lucia, its vast bulk rises along the main street of the city.
The convent had two large cloisters inside, which still exist today if profoundly remodeled, the most recent of which was built during the expansion works of the building carried out in 1700. Inside the building was the church dedicated to Santa Maria de Auxilio, the ancient patron saint of the city. The building was demolished in 1928, after the confiscation of the entire building by the royal authority, in its place a monument to the fallen of the 1915-18 war was built and the current Piazza Vittorio Veneto.
In the same period, the side elevation of the convent, adjacent to the church, was also rebuilt, following the canons of Fascist architecture, to provide a suitable location for the Casa del Fascio and a film theater for the city.