Gravina Castle in San Michele di Ganzaria

The Gravina castle of San Michele di Ganzaria stands in a splendid panoramic position but is reduced to a state of ruin.
The castle was built in 1503 at the behest of Antonio Gravina known as the "Bellicoso". A terrible fire had the inhabited center was little devastated, so Antonio Gravina built a castle, symbol of his power, around which the new village developed and was inhabited by a group of Albanian settlers. The earthquake of 1908 reduced the castle to a state of ruins.
Today only part of the perimeter walls remain of the Castle where the remains of a balcony on the upper floor can be observed, and on the east side, a section of the patrol walkway. Part of the castle is underground.
Some fragments of the castle flooring they are today preserved in the Ganzaria Museum.

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