Carnival in Chiaramonte Gulfi

Carnival in Chiaramonte Gulfi

The Carnival in Chiaramonte Gulfi is a party for adults and children, it is music, taste and fun under the stars.
On the occasion of the Carnival celebrations, parades of allegorical floats, masked balls and the traditional sausage festival.
The The Carnival of Chiaramonte has ancient origins: at the end of the 19th century the town of Chiaramonte was considered the Carnival capital of the entire Iblei area. At the time, the social classes paraded through the streets of the village, i.e. the masks of gentlemen, artisans with bunches of grapes and flasks of wine, and peasants. Over time the costumes have changed but the tradition of Carnival in Chiaramonte Gulfi is still alive and shared by the entire population.

Dates and Scheduling

4 Mar 2025

18:00 Opening of the allegorical cart parade and masked group. Start from Corso Europa with entrance to Piazza Duomo;

Photographic exhibition and video projection of some previous editions of the carnival.

- Models of Allegorical Carts
- Allegorical Carts Competition

con Dj's Mario Molè, Salvo Molè e Vito Arena;
Closing Vincenzo Burrafato DJ.

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