Great feast of Maria SS Addolorata in Monterosso Almo

The Feast of the Main Patroness the Virgin of Sorrows of Monterosso Almo takes place on the third Sunday of September. In the small village there are four celebrations in honor of the Patroness: on Easter Tuesday, Sunday in Albis, the fourth Sunday after Easter and the third Sunday in September. The main feast is the one that takes place on the third Sunday of September.
At six in the morning of the feast day the celebrations begin, announced by the festive sound of all the bells and the firing of the firecrackers. The first Holy Mass of the day then takes place in which the faithful who have come on pilgrimage to the Shrine take part, many of them barefoot. The most evocative and participatory moment of the party is the release of the simulacrum of Our Lady of Sorrows with the spectacular launch of "nzaiarieddi", small strips of light blue paper. The procession through the streets of the village of the Simulacrum of the Patron follows with its precious percolo in worked wood, covered with pure gold leaves with wooden cherubs. During the procession many faithful perform "U votu" barefoot and with the candle in hand.
In the afternoon there is the traditional "dinner", that is the auctioning of gifts and local products.
In the evening there is a second procession with banner, lights and musical band. The celebrations end with spectacular fireworks.
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