Feast of the Madonna del Bosco in Buscemi

Feast of the Madonna del Bosco in Buscemi

 25 Aug 2024

 Buscemi (SR)

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The Feast of the Madonna del Bosco in Buscemi takes place on the last Sunday of August and is the most important religious feast for the city.
Maria SS. del Bosco has been the Patron Saint of Buccheri since 1919 but the cult of the Virgin is much older and it is said to be linked to a legend.
On the Sunday of the feast day, two processions traditionally take place, one in the morning and one evening, accompanied by the crowd of the faithful and the musical band.
The traditional Ballad of the Madonna also takes place during which the bearers move the fercolo with the simulacrum of Maria SS. del Bosco with an undulating motion, moving back and forth: the Madonna runs along the entire main street up to the Mother Church as if she were dancing, accompanied by the crowd of faithful.
Moment of great folklore is the Trasuta, i.e. the entry of the vara into the Church, accompanied by the spectacular launch of strips of colored paper, fireworks and the screams of the faithful.

Dates and Scheduling

25 Aug 2024

20:00 Solenne Celebrazione Eucaristica presieduta da Don Alfio Li Noce.
 Chiesa madre

21:00 Evening procession of the Patroness through the streets artistically illuminated by the "Illuminations".

22:00 Arrival of the Patron Saint in the Mother Church welcomed by the singing of the Ave Maria.
 Chiesa madre

 Piazza Roma

01:00 Lunedì 26
 Castello Requisenz

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