Madonna del Gulfi festival in Chiaramonte Gulfi

The feast of the Madonna del Gulfi takes place every year in Chiaramonte Gulfi on the Sunday in Albis, i.e. the Sunday following Easter.
On the feast day a great pilgrimage takes place during which the bearers carry the simulacrum of the Madonna di Gulfi from the Sanctuary of Gulfi to Chiaramonte, in the Mother Church. Each evening, during all the festivities, is dedicated to a category of citizens: Sunday in Albis is dedicated to the porters, Monday to the trappitari, Tuesday to the millers and bakers, Wednesdays women, Thursdays shepherds, Fridays masons >, merchants on Saturday, vasciddari on Sunday, massari on Monday, priests on Tuesday and the foresters. The celebrations end on the Wednesday following the feast day and the Madonna of Gulfi is carried in procession to her own Sanctuary.
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