Feast of Our Lady of Miracles in Mussomeli

Feast of Our Lady of Miracles in Mussomeli

 Sep 2025

 Mussomeli (CL)

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In Mussomeli, the feast in honor of Maria Santissima dei Miracoli is celebrated on 8 September. Day 8, the day of the feast, and September 15, the eighth of the feast, throughout the morning masses are celebrated at any time of day both in the Sanctuary and in the crypt, a place where, according to tradition, it is embedded in the wall structure the stone with the image of the Madonna on which a paralytic, after having fallen asleep from exhaustion, woke up cured. In the afternoon the solemn procession of the statue of the Madonna takes place. As the feast of the nativity of Maria SS. Is celebrated on 8 September, the statuette of the Child Mary still in swaddling clothes is carried in procession on a decorated basket.

Dates and Scheduling

14 Sept 2024

09:00 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
12:00 Angelus;
19:00 Rosario;
19:30 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
Festa delle famiglie 25°, 50°, 60° Anniversari di Matrimonio;

15 Sept 2024

06:00 Spari di 21 colpi a cannone;
06:30 Celebrazioni Eucaristica;
08:00 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
9:30 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
11:00 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
17:00 Ingresso del Corpo bandistico “Mons Mellis” di Mussomeli;
17:30 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
19:00 Celebrazione Eucaristica;
20:00 Processione con il simulacro di “Maria SS. Dei Miracoli”,
22:30 Conclusione della processione e saluto alla Vergine Maria,
dopo l’ingresso del Simulacro avrà luogo l’estrazione dei Premi “Lotteria dei...Miracoli”;
A seguire, Spettacolo Pirotecnico.

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