Feast of Mary SS. Sorrowful in Torrenova

Feast of Mary SS. Sorrowful in Torrenova

 23 - 27 Oct 2024

 Torrenova (ME)

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The Feast of the Holy Mary. Addolorata a Torrenova, Patron Saint and Protectress of the city, is one of the most heartfelt and special moments for the community.
It is an event rich in tradition and spirituality, with a program that includes religious celebrations, processions through the streets of country, music, shows and moments of entertainment for all ages.

Dates and Scheduling

23 Oct 2024

17:30 Crown of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary.

18:00 Holy Mass.
 Chiesa Madre Maria SS. Addolorata

24 Oct 2024

17:00 Eucharistic Adoration. Crown of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary.

18:00 Holy Mass.
 Chiesa Madre Maria SS. Addolorata

25 Oct 2024

17:30 Crown of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary.

18:00 Holy Mass.
 Chiesa Madre Maria SS. Addolorata

26 Oct 2024

08:00 Bomb firing.

15:00 Tour of the City of Torrenova Band.

17:00 Crown of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary.

17:30 Dressing of Our Lady of Sorrows.

18:00 Procession of the Simulacrum of Our Lady of Sorrows, accompanied by the Torrenova Musical Band.
Conclusion in the Church of San Pietro Apostolo, where the Holy Mass will be celebrated.

20:00 Saluto al Parroco Don Maurizio Provenzale, per il servizio pastorale, svolto nella comunità di Torrenova.

"Dream with us."
by Ass. Sportiva ASD Studio Dance and Sport.
 Piazza Inferrera

27 Oct 2024

08:00 Bomb firing.

08:30 Holy Mass
 Chiesa San Pietro

10:00 From the Town Hall towards the Church of San Pietro for the delivery of the "Keys" of the City to the Virgin of Sorrows.

10:30 Solemn celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by the parish priest Don Maurizio Provenzale.

11:30 Processione del Simulacro della Madonna Addolorata Maria Santissima per le vie: Meli, Mazzini, Tasca, Nazionale con arrivo in Chiesa Madre.

18:00 Holy Mass.
 Chiesa Madre Maria SS. Addolorata

21:30 Turè Muschio music show.

Giovanni Cacioppo

23:45 Pyrotechnic games.

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