Feast of St. Philip in Aidone

La "Notte dei Santuari" e "Festa degli Aidonesi"
In Aidone, the celebrations in honor of St. Philip the Apostle take place on May 1st. On the occasion of the celebrations, the faithful make long pilgrimages on foot to ask for a grace or to thank for the one received and, according to tradition, they present themselves in front of the statue of the patron with a lighted candle. The statue of St. Philip the apostle is carried in procession through all the streets of the town. A curious detail is that during the exit from the church, the statue is carried turned from behind to prevent it from leaving the town in the direction of Piazza Armerina. This custom arises from an ancient dispute with that country and from the tradition according to which the saint would more easily grant miracles to strangers.
A curiosity about the statue of St. Philip is that the face is very similar to that depicted in a Morgantina silver coin dating back to the period 213-211 BC. in which there is Zeus.
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