Feast of San Filippo D'Agira in Limina

Feast of San Filippo D'Agira in Limina

 10, 11, 12, 25 May 2025

 Limina (ME)

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The Feast of San Filippo D'Agira in Limina is traditionally celebrated in the month of May and includes a rich liturgical calendar which culminates with the solemn procession of the Simulacrum of the Saint.
Traditionally the feast begins on 11 May, day in which the simulacrum of San Filippo D'Agira is led, with a brisk run, to the Sanctuary of Passo Murazzo where various religious celebrations take place. In the evening the simulacrum is brought back to the town carried on the shoulders of the faithful and with the help of a trolley pushed by women and children.
The celebrations end a few days later with the solemn procession of the Simulacrum of the Saint.
On the occasion on the octave of the festival another procession takes place which reaches the districts of the village. Characteristic are the ritual of the Ballad of the Poor with the simulacrum on the shoulders of the bearers, the turns and the races that take place during the procession.
In the month of August a summer festival traditionally takes place in which emigrants returning to the country take part.

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