Feast of San Silvestro in Troina

giomodica - CC3.0
In Troina, the celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint, San Silvestro, take place in the month of May, with the traditional Festa dei Rami, in September when the September Festival of San Silvestro, and on January 2, the anniversary of the death of the Patron Saint.
The New Year's Eve in May includes various moments of great folkloristic spectacle.
The the festivities begin on the Thursday before the Sunday of the holiday when the devotees, called Ramara, collect the laurel branches in the woods.
On the Sunday of the holiday, the Ramara parade in procession to the church of San Silvestro carrying tall poles decorated with laurel branches, flowers, sacred images and other decorations.
The Sunday following the Ramari festival takes place the Festa della Ddarata during which a pilgrimage of the faithful takes place on the back of festively caparisoned horses and mules which ends in the Church of San Silvestro with the delivery of the trip.
During the celebrations there will also be moments of tasting of typical local dishes such as vastedda cu sammuccu and 'nfasciateddi.
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