Feast of Sant'Anna di Castelbuono

Feast of Sant'Anna di Castelbuono

 Jul 2025

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Every year in Castelbuono, in July, the celebrations for the patron saint, Sant'Anna, take place. The feast of Sant'Anna in Castelbuono is inspired by the return of Prince Giovanni III Ventimiglia with the relic of Sant'Anna in 1615. In fact, every year this moment is remembered with the prince's greeting to the crowd and the procession in period clothing .
The Novena, from 17 to 24 July, is divided into two moments: the morning celebrations and the evening procession during which a life-size statue of the Saint is carried in procession through the streets of the town. The statue crosses all the streets of the town, even the narrowest, passes under arches and over stairs and for this reason the statue is lowered to the ground, now carried by the arm, now inclined.
Day 25 is the day the grate opens. and the traditional Ceremony of the handing over of the keys and the Ventimigliano Historical Parade, historical re-enactment of the cult of Sant'Anna with the participation of the banners of the 7 historic districts of Castelbuono and appearing in historical clothes and flag-wavers.
Day 26 various celebrations take place Eucharistic and, in the late afternoon, the traditional international walking tour City of Castelbuono. Day 27 the Procession takes place. In the early afternoon we proceed with the decoration of the ancient vara of the Patroness, set up in the courtyard of the castle, the masters of vara decorate and clean the reliquary, and lead it to the courtyard, preceded by two girls with candles. In the afternoon it is pious custom to make ù journeys to the courtyard and pause for a few minutes in prayer. The procession is very long and all the brothers participate in it in the traditional dark dress, with long sleeves, covered by a collar that indicates the brotherhood they belong to.

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