Festa di S. Antonio di Padova a Capizzi

Festa di S. Antonio di Padova a Capizzi

 13 Jun 2024

 Capizzi (ME)

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In Capizzi, the celebrations in honor of Sant'Antonio da Padova begin in the month of June and culminate in the first days of September.

The tredicina takes place in the month of June during which a dense liturgical program takes place, the evocative torchlight vigil in honor of Sant'Antonio da Padova with the participation of all the brothers of the Confraternity, the procession of the Holy Relic and the pilgrimage to Bidi.

In the month of September the celebrations begin on day 1 with the blessing of the wine and cheese.
At dawn on 2 September the traditional pilgrimage takes place in the locality of Cannella< /strong>. In fact, according to tradition, Sant'Antonio di Padova in his wanderings in Sicily, stopped for a whole night, in the locality of Cannella in the territory of Caronia, in the Nebrodi Park. In ancient times, only the "urdunara" took part in the procession, i.e. the carriage company with mules and donkeys, but today they are joined by numerous faithful who on foot or on horseback undertake the four-wheeled journey that crosses the Nebrodi park. The Eucharistic celebration follows and, after the blessing of the bread and the laurel, a large banquet is set up in which the faithful participate to refresh themselves from the fatigue of the journey.
In the afternoon, the traditional event "'Ntrada Addauru" takes place ", i.e. the return from the pilgrimage on horseback with a parade of mules and horses with ancient harnesses and laurel leaves through the streets of the historic centre. The ride ends in front of the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova.
Day 3 September, in the afternoon the procession takes place through the city streets of the simulacrum of Sant'Antonio da Padova with the Madonna delle Grazie.

Dates and Scheduling

13 Jun 2024

06:00 Mortaretti shot.

07:00 Conclusion of the Tredicina in the Church of Sant'Antonio in Padua, celebration of the Holy Mass and blessing of the votive bread.

10:00 Pilgrimage in the “Bidi” area. Upon arrival, celebration of the Holy Mass and blessing of the votive bread.

18:00 Celebration of the Holy Mass in the Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova.

19:00 Rientro del pellegrinaggio e sfilata per le vie del centro urbano percorrendo vie Timpe Russo, via Roma, via Dante Alighieri, piazza Miracoli, via Libertà, via Vespri, piazza San Giacomo, via Kalandra, via Roma, via Dante Alighieri, Chiesa S. Antonio.

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