Feast of Santa Tecla in Carlentini

Feast of Santa Tecla in Carlentini

 9, 10 Jan 2025

 Santuzzi - Carlentini (SR)

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The Feast of Santa Tecla in Carlentini takes place in the month of January 10th, on the day of her birth, and in the month of October when the great patronal festival of the Santuzzi district takes place.
The rich religious program in honor of Santa Tecla culminates, on the day of the feast, with the solemn procession through the streets of the neighborhood of the simulacrum of the Saint. The simulacrum is taken to the Triumphal Arch where it will remain until the end of the celebrations.
On the occasion of the celebration Santuzzi Street Food, a festival dedicated to Sicilian street food.

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