Feast of the Holy Crucifix - The Long Christ - Castroreale

Feast of the Holy Crucifix - The Long Christ - Castroreale

 25 Aug 2024

 Castroreale (ME)

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The Feast of the Holy Crucifix in Castroreale takes place every year on August 25 and is known as the Long Lord Feast, U Signuri Longu as the simulacrum of the SS. The crucifix is ​​carried in procession on a 13-metre high rod.
The festival commemorates a miraculous episode that took place in 1854 which put an end to the spread of the plague in the village of Castroreale. Since then, the SS. Crucifix was considered miraculous and, when a cholera epidemic broke out in the village, it was decided to place the SS. Crucifix on a pole high enough to be seen even by the sick in quarantine who could not get up from their beds. The ancient tradition of placing the Simulacrum of the SS. Crucifix on a high pole still survives today.
The religious program, which culminates with the traditional and evocative procession of the Long Christ, is accompanied by a recreational program with musical and entertainment performances.

Dates and Scheduling

programma festa ss crocifisso castroreale

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