Feast of the Holy Crucifix in Forza D'Agrò
During the festival there are also shows in the square.
The cross that is carried in procession, now preserved in the Mother Church, comes from the destroyed church inside the Norman castle. It is a 14th century panel painting by an unknown artist, one of the most valuable works of Sicilian painting of the time. According to tradition, the work was found intact after the collapse of the church, on the bell tower that miraculously remained standing.
Dates and Scheduling
13 Sept 2024
19:00 Holy Mass.
14 Sept 2024
08:00 Blank shots fired.
08:30 Tour through the streets of the city of the musical band.
11:00 Translation of the miraculous effigy of the SS. Crucifix from the chapel to the main altar.
11:15 Solemn Holy Mass.
18:30 Holy Rosary.
19:00 Solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Don Gennaro CURRÒ, parish priest of the Parish of S. Maria Assunta in Francavilla di Sicilia.
Following procession of the miraculous effigy of the SS. Crucifix in the streets of the city.
22:30 Concerto tenuto dal Corpo Bandistico "S. Stefano Protomartire” di Aci Bonaccorsi in Piazza Giovanni XXIII
24:00 Spettacolo piromusicale.
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