Harvest Festival in Salina
The Harvest Festival in Salina celebrates the great wine tradition of this island.
It is an event full of initiatives that involve the whole territory: space for culture and taste with guided tours and tastings at museums; space for music with musical and folklore shows; space for children with numerous activities; space for nature with walks through the Salina vineyards.
Dates and Scheduling
28 Sep 2024
10:30 Guided visit to the Archaeological Museum of Leni, Church of San Gaetano and the Ancient Frantonio, with tasting of local Malvasia
Piazza Immacolata - Malfa (ME)
16:00 The Children's Harvest
Piazza Immacolata - Malfa (ME)
18:00 Guided tour with tasting of local Malvasia in collaboration with the CIRCE Association
Museo Eoliano dell'Emigrazione - Malfa
29 Sep 2024
10:30 Guided visit to the Lingua museum circuit with tasting of local Malvasia in collaboration with the Ass. AMANEI
Circuito Museale - Lingua
16:00 Walks and stories through the vineyards of Salina, with a panoramic view of the town of Malfa by the Ass. UMARRUGGIU
Chiesa San Lorenzo - Malfa
18:30 Solemn Mass and blessing of the Earth and the Good Harvest
Chiesa San Lorenzo - Malfa
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