Joust of the Ventimiglias in Geraci Siculo

Joust of the Ventimiglias in Geraci Siculo

 Aug 2025

 Castello dei Ventimiglia - Geraci Siculo (PA)

 +39 329 7147959

 +39 339 3348701

Daniela 333 303 5443
Cettina 329 714 7959
Marcello 338 114 6691

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Every year, in August, the Giostra dei Ventimiglia takes place in Geraci Siculo. It is an event that is part of a tourist and cultural project called "County of Ventimiglia" inserted in the calendar of events of great tourist attraction in the Sicily region, together with the Sagra della Spiga di Gangi and the Ballo della Cordella di Petralia Sottana.
Geraci Siculo celebrates the history, culture and splendor of its golden past at the court of the Ventimiglia, a noble and powerful family who made Geraci Siculo the capital of a rich county. In the splendid medieval setting of the village of Geraci Siculo hundreds of characters in costume represent a historical event linked to the Ventimiglia family and their county. Events are recalled such as: the baptism of the firstborn, the engagement or marriage of the Count, the visit of the Count himself to the Castle of Geraci, etc. of games of chivalry .

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