Easter in Modica Vasa Vasa Madonna

Easter in Modica  <em>Vasa Vasa Madonna</em>

 13 - 20 Apr 2025

 Modica (RG)

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In Modica, on Easter Sunday the traditional rite of the Madonna Vasa-Vasa takes place, that is the Madonna "Kiss kisses". During the morning the procession of the statue of the Madonna and Christ takes place, carried on the shoulders by the faithful, who look for each other along the course. At noon, in front of the church of Santa Maria di Betlem, we witness the traditional midday kiss between the Madonna and the Risen Christ: the Madonna, at the sight of the Risen Christ, spreads and clasps her arms as a sign of joy and incredulity, it frees itself from the black mantle that wraps it, while white doves soar in flight.

Dates and Scheduling

13 Apr 2025

Blessing of the palms and olive branches;
Solemn Holy Mass (St. Peter's Cathedral).
 Duomo di San Pietro Apostolo

11:30 Visit to the Cathedral Treasury Museum.

Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by His Excellency Monsignor Salvatore Rumeo, Bishop of Noto.
Rite of the Deposition of Christ from the Cross.
 Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria di Betlem

14 Apr 2025

10:00 - 13:00 (FINO AL 30/04) - Apertura dei Musei e dei luoghi del circuito “La via delle Collegiate”
Collegiata di S. Maria di Betlem: “Vasa Vasa, cronache di una devozione mariana”; “L'arte sacra: dal Rinascimento al Barocco”
10:30 - 13.00 (FINO AL 30/04) - Collegiata di S. Pietro Apostolo (Duomo): Apertura della Pinacoteca e visita ai Simulacri della Passione del Duomo della città
Apertura del Campanile del Duomo
10:30 - 13:00 (FINO AL 20/04) - Chiesa di San Paolo Apostolo
Visita alla Mostra "Apparati Liturgici in Tessuto: i Teleri della Passione"

15 Apr 2025

19:00 Classical music concert with pieces dedicated to the Passion of Christ.
 Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria di Betlem

18 Apr 2025

18:30 Liturgical Action Adoration of the Cross.

19:30 Procession with the Dead Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows.
 Corso Umberto I

19 Apr 2025

Easter Vigil;
Rite of the Resurrection: entrance of the simulacrum of the Risen Christ towards the high altar.
 Chiesa Collegiata di Santa Maria di Betlem

20 Apr 2025

08:45 Exit of the Madonna dressed in mourning (historical districts).

Solemn Eucharistic Celebration;
Exit of the Risen Christ and the Madonna "Vasa Vasa" (Corso Umberto I).
 Corso Umberto I

12:00 Suggestivo incontro del Cristo Risorto e della Madonna "Vasa Vasa".
 Piazza Municipio

19:00 Solemn Holy Mass.

20:00 Solemn evening procession of the Risen Christ and the Madonna "Vasa Vasa" (Corso Umberto I, Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie, Town Hall and Largo Santa Maria).

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